



Sheet Street is a leading retail brand in South Africa that specialises in affordable home textiles and decor products. They offer a wide range of products for the bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, and dining room. Sheet Street is known for providing good quality products at exceptional value, making it accessible to middle-income consumers (LSM range 5 to 8) who are family-focused and responsible. In addition to offering affordable homeware, Sheet Street is committed to exceptional customer service and community engagement. They prioritise delivering sought-after products presented by friendly and approachable store associates. Sheet Street also cares about their communities and aims to reduce their impact on the environment. They have taken steps to decrease plastic packaging in their stores and use recycled plastic fibers to create eco-friendly bedding. They also support local businesses by introducing Proudly South African homeware ranges. Furthermore, Sheet Street is involved in helping develop the skills of the youth to increase their chances of future employment. Sheet Street has a strong online presence, allowing customers to shop for their products conveniently and safely. They offer a simple and quick online application process for credit facilities and provide secure use of credit facilities at approved online retail partners. Customers can access, manage, and control their accounts online or via their mobile phones. Sheet Street has multiple store locations across South Africa, including in shopping centers like Mall of Africa and Key West Shopping Centre. They also have a presence on social media platforms like Instagram, where they share photos and videos of their products. Overall, Sheet Street is a popular choice for South African consumers looking for affordable and quality homeware products, with a focus on customer satisfaction and community engagement.


  • Home / Décor



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