



Sorbet is a beauty salon and spa chain in South Africa. They offer a wide range of beauty treatments and services, including manicures, pedicures, skin care, body massages, facials, hair care, and grooming services for men. Sorbet is known for its high-quality products and professional staff. They use advanced actives, essential oils, and vitamins in their skincare products to provide deep cleansing and purification for the face. Sorbet also offers a range of hair and nail products, including nail polishes and gels. They have a strong focus on customer service and aim to create a welcoming and friendly environment for their guests. Sorbet is committed to providing excellent service and improving the lives of their customers.


  • Beauty Salon / Spa



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Address: LINC CAMPUS Unit 16 Ezulwini Estate, Salt Rock, Dolphin Coast, 4390
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